Steelville Canoes

at Peoples Bank 201 Main St.
(N37 58.078 W91 21.361)
(Paddle for Peace)
at Peoples Bank 201 Main St.
(N37 58.079 W91 21.358)
(Summer Fun at Eagle Hurst)
at the NE corner of Main & Brickey Sts.
(N37 58.086 W91 21.320)
at 107 W Main St.
(N37 58.087 W91 21.314)
at 103 W Main St.
(N37 58.091 W91 21.299)
(From Mountain to Cup)
on the N. side of Main St. ½ block W. of Pine St.
(N37 58.101 W91 21.263)
(Missouri Hick BBQ)
at the SW corner of Main & Pine Sts.
(N37 58.094 W91 21.245)
(Trail of Tears)
at the SW corner of Main & 1st Sts.
(N37 58.083 W91 21.294)
(Honoring Indigenous Ancestors)
on the S. side of Main St. 150’ W. of 2nd St.
(N37 58.057 W91 21.385)
at the SE corner of Main & 3rd Sts.
(N37 58.034 W91 21.474)
(Sun / Bird / Airplane)
at the SE corner of Main & 3rd Sts.
(N37 58.026 W91 21.501)
(Let’s Tailgate)
on the S. side of Main St. ½ block W. of 3rd St.
(N37 58.013 W91 21.549)
(Up the Creek w/o A Paddle)
on the N. side of Main St. 1/3 block W. of 3rd St.
(N37 58.028 W91 21.541)
(Stream Dreamin’)
at the SE corner of Euclid Av. & Main St.
(N37 58.014 W91 21.659)
(Dam Falls)
on the N. side of Main St. 1/3 block W. of Spring St.
(N37 58.006 W91 21.630)
(Thank You Troops)
on the W. side of Main St. 100’ S. of Eculid Av.
(N37 58.008 W91 21.673)
(Blue Moon)
at the NW corner of Euclid Av. & Main St.
(N37 58.030 W91 21.693)
(The Beginning)
on the W. side of Main St. 200’ N. of Euclid Av.
(N37 58.058 W91 21.699)
(Steelville Preschool)
on the E. side of Main St. 200’ N. of Euclid Av.
(N37 58.065 W91 21.688)
(Steelville High School 1964)
on the W. side of Main St. 100 yds N. of Euclid Av.
(N37 58.086 W91 21.719)
(Steelville Canoes) in Steelville, Crawford County, MO. Photos by Jack & June Schmidt 5-30-12.